Newfoundland Joins Confederation, 1949


Area units:
Electoral districts are shown, and are coloured according to the percentage of registered voters who voted in the two referenda. Within these, settled area (ecumene) is coloured to show data.

Data units:
Pie graphs are shown for each electoral district, representing the voting results from the two referenda.


Legend Description

Newfoundland referendum results
The pie graphs represent the results of the two referenda. The referendum on June 3 offered all three choices shown in the legend. The choice of Commission of Government was taken off of the June 22nd referendum, and therefore the pie graphs show only two choices. Newfoundland officially becomes the tenth province the following year by the Newfoundland Act.

Voter turnout
The settled area (ecumene) within each electoral district is coloured according to the percentage of voter turnout. The official results of the referenda published by the Newfoundland Electoral Officer in the Newfoundland Gazette, show voter turnouts greater than 100%..



Click in the checkbox beside the JUNE 3, 1948 layer to display the results for the first referendum. Click in the checkbox beside Poll 1 Results - JUNE 3 to turn off the results piegraphs, click in the checkbox beside Voter Turnout - June 3 to turn off the voter turnout.
Click in the checkbox beside the JUNE 22, 1948 layer to display the results for the second referendum. Click in the checkbox beside Poll 2 Results - June 22 to turn off the results piegraphs, click in the checkbox beside Voter Turnout - June 22 to turn off the voter turnout.
Modern geography ( selected current cities) is available for reference.


Active Tools

Referendum results June 3 and 22 is the active layer. Use the tools below to get more details on the results of the referenda.

Identify: Click on this button, then click anywhere within one of the electoral districts to popup a window that will tell you the number of registered voters in that district.

Table: Click on this button, then click on or drag a rectangle over any of the electoral districts to popup a table giving more details on the results of the referenda (see Table Fields below for details on the information contained within the table).


Table Fields - Referendum results June 3 and 22

Electoral District Electoral districts in Newfoundland in 1948
Total Reg. Voters Total number of voters registered in a given electoral district
Voted June 3 Total number of voters who cast a ballot in the June 3rd Referendum
% FOR Confed'n June 3 Percentage of votes cast for Confederation with Canada on June 3rd
Voted June 22 Total number of voters who cast a ballot in a the June 22nd Referendum
% FOR Confed'n June 22 Percentage of votes cast for Confederation with Canada on June 22nd