Acadian Deportation Experience, 1755-1785


Area units:
World map is shown, with country and colony borders shown for the pre-1762 era maps, and general regions labeled for the post-1762 era maps.

Data units: Each arrows represents a movement of Acadian people; the width of the arrow shows the number of people moving; the colour symbolizes the type of movement (deportation, flight, migration).


Legend Description

Movement of Acadians

The colour of the arrow represents the nature of Acadian movement (deportation, flight, migration).

The arrows also have labels (1755 (1500)); the first number (in red) is the date of the movement, and the second number (in black) is the number of people moving.

The number of Acadians moving is represented by the width of the arrow.



The four layers with folder symbols beside them represent different time periods. If you click on the check box beside the folder, all of the layers within it will turn on. You can also turn off or on the layers within the folders to see each one individually.

These four time-period folders are mutually exclusive. You can only view one of these groups at a time. Turning on a layer in another group, will automatically turn off the previous group.

When any one of the layers in a folder is on, the group folder for that time period automatically becomes the active layer (highlighted in yellow.)


Active Tools

Active Layer: When any one of the layers in a folder is on, the group folder for that time period automatically becomes the active layer. You can then use the tools below to get information about the arrows for that period.

Identify: Click on this tool, then click on the map to popup a descriptive story about that particular movement of Acadians.

Table: Click on this tool, then click or drag on the map to select arrows, and popup a table describing those selected movements of Acadians. See Table Fields below for description of fields in this table.


Table Fields - 1750-1757; 1758-1762; 1763-1768; 1769-1785

Origin Location where the movement of Acadians began.
Destination Location where the movement of Acadians ended.
Number The approximate number of Acadians moving.
Year The year or years in which the movement of Acadians took place.
Type The type of movement:
    DEP = deportation; MIG = migration; FLI = flight
Data files available: acadian_deportation_1755_1785.xls