Territorial Timeline: 1870-1873

1870 Hudson's Bay Company yields territory to Canada
In accordance with the Rupert's Land Act of the British Parliament (1868), a British Order in Council authorizes the transfer of Rupert's Land and the North-Western Territory from the Hudson's Bay Company to Canada, renaming it the North-West Territories.

1870 Manitoba becomes a province
By an Act of Dominion, Canada establishes Manitoba as her fifth province.

1871 British Columbia becomes a province
An Act of Dominion allows British Columbia to enter the Dominion of Canada as the sixth province.

1872 San Juan boundary dispute resolved
The 1871 Treaty of Washington, between Britain and the USA submitted the boundary dispute in the San Juan Islands, Puget Sound, to arbitration by the German Emperor. In 1872 an Award of Arbitration fixed the boundary between Canada and the United States (Dispute E: click dispute icon on map).

1873 Prince Edward Island becomes a province
Act of Dominion sees Prince Edward Island become the seventh province.